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Cypress Celebrates: Stronger Together 

Become a Sponsor

Diamond “Premier” Sponsorship: $25,000

20 tickets; Premier placement of company logo on event e-vite, signage, Special recognition from event podium, recognized in CHLDC website including social media , full-page ad in program; On-line ad journal (The e-journal will be displayed on monitors at the benefit, and a link will be available on the CHLDC website for one year after the benefit, giving sponsors and advertisers increased recognition and value over the conventional limited hard copy, opportunity to contribute a quote for post- event email blast.

Silver “Builder” Sponsorship: $7,500

10 tickets; Name placement on the Community Center Donor Wall under Local Heroes ($600-$9,999); Company logo on event e-vite, signage, recognized in CHLDC website including social media, quarter-page ad in program; opportunity to contribute a quote for post-event email blast.

Bronze “Supporter” Sponsorship: $5,000

8 tickets; Company logo on event e-vite, signage, recognized in CHLDC website including social media, quarter-page ad in program; opportunity to contribute a quote for post-event email blast.

Organizer Sponsorship: $2,500

6 tickets; Name placement on the Community Center Donor Wall under Local Heroes ($600-$9,999); recognized in CHLDC website including social media; opportunity to contribute a quote for post-event email blast.

Advocate Sponsorship: $1,500

4 tickets; recognized in CHLDC website including social media; opportunity to contribute a quote for post-event email blast.

Non-Profit/Community Partner Sponsorship:  $750

2 tickets; recognized in CHLDC website including social media

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